The Importance of Preventative Care

Dentist in BaltimoreAt Horizon Family Dental Care, we provide a wide range of dental services including preventative dentistry. Preventative dentistry includes services like dental cleanings, exams, periodontal screenings, and x-rays. Patients should schedule their preventative care appointments once every six months to maintain good dental health. Learn more about why you should attend your preventative dental care appointments below:

Plaque & Tartar Buildup

During your preventative dental care appointments, you will receive a dental cleaning from one of our skilled hygienists. The dental cleaning procedure includes removing any plaque or tartar buildup on your teeth. Plaque and tartar occur because of food residues that are left behind on our smiles after meals. If these food residues are allowed to harden onto your teeth, they become more difficult to remove with regular brushing and flossing. A dental professional will need to remove plaque and tartar buildup to prevent common dental concerns like tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental Concerns Often Get Worse Left Untreated

It’s important to know that many dental concerns will often get worse the longer they are left untreated. Unfortunately, many dental concerns do not cause obvious symptoms until they have progressed to the point of needing more costly restorative care. Addressing dental concerns promptly with your dentist could potentially save you time and money later on. This is because preventative care is often the key to preventing complex dental concerns like advanced gum disease, missing teeth, or severe dental damages. When you attend your biannual dental appointments, one of our experienced dentists will consult with you about any dental concerns noted during your appointment. They will check for underlying symptoms to help you address minor issues before they develop into major concerns.

Use It Or Lose It

Many patients utilize dental insurance to cover all or most of their preventative care appointments. We would hate to see our patients miss out on their hard-earned benefits. Once the year ends, these benefits do not rollover into the next year. If it has been over six months since the last time you sat in the dental chair, it is time to schedule your final dental cleaning of the year. Horizon Family Dental Care has four dentist offices in Hanover, Clinton, La Plata, and Baltimore, Maryland. Find the office closest to you and schedule your appointment today. We look forward to helping you improve and maintain your dental health for many years to come.