TMJ Treatment Horizon Family Dental Care

The temporomandibular joints connect the lower jawbone to the skull. These joints can cause dysfunction if they are injured or under stress. TMJ disorders affect jaw movement and comfort. Horizon Family Dental Care provides TMJ treatment to patients in Baltimore, MD, and the surrounding areas.

Our restorative dental care helps alleviate pain caused by TMJ disorders. We thoroughly examine the teeth and facial structure to find areas of wear and injury to create a custom treatment.

Treat TMJ in Baltimore, Maryland

Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

Multiple common signs of TMJ disorders include:

  • Teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism)
  • Face, neck, and jaw pain
  • Toothaches
  • Muscle spasms
  • Jaw pain and tenderness
  • Pain while biting and chewing
  • Joint locking
  • Chronic migraines and headaches

Many patients may not realize they have TMD because symptoms can occur at night. However, waking up with a toothache, headache, or jaw pain can be an indicator.

Some common causes of TMJ disorders can include:

  • Stress
  • Arthritis
  • Jaw injuries

Problems like an uneven bite or crooked teeth can increase pressure on your teeth and jaw. As a result, you can begin to clench or grind your teeth at night. An imbalance in the jaw can increase the risk of inflammation and pain in the TMJ.

Contact Horizon Family Dental Care if you have noticed any of these signs. We can help determine if a TMJ disorder causes your problems. Our goal is to help you treat your pain and restore function to your teeth and joints.

TMJ Treatment in Baltimore, MD

Before TMJ treatment, we will conduct a full bite examination. We will see how your teeth come together, measure your look for signs of tooth wear, and measure pressure points along your bite. Our office will also take dental X-rays to see your teeth, gums, and jaw. Sometimes, we can see problems in the joint’s disk or soft tissue.

We will discuss our findings with you and take your symptoms into account to recommend the right TMJ treatment. There is no one treatment for TMD. A combination of treatments can help reduce your symptoms. Our office may recommend one or more of these treatments for TMJ disorders:

TMJ Nightguards

Nightguards are the best option for patients with TMJ disorders who clench and grind their teeth at night. In our office, we can take impressions of their teeth to create customized nightguards to protect them from further wear and tear.

The nightguard covers the upper or lower teeth to ensure the lower jaw moves forward. The acrylic material prevents patients from the need to clench or grind their teeth.

These nightguards also alleviate stress on the jaw and help position the teeth more comfortably. With a custom mouthguard worn at night, patients can stop headaches, tooth wear, and teeth grinding at the source.

Restorative and Cosmetic Treatment

We can provide dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and tooth crowns for patients with chips, cracks, or worn areas of their tooth enamel. Our office uses these cosmetic and restorative treatments after patients stop grinding their teeth.

If you have tooth damage, we may recommend dental crowns. Crowns are caps that fully cover teeth. If your crooked teeth affect your bite and lead you to clench and grind your teeth at night, we may recommend orthodontic treatment.

Fixing areas of tooth damage not only improves the look of the smile but also creates a uniform and comfortable bite. An even bite can reduce jaw pain and headaches.


We recommend jaw and face exercises for patients with very mild TMJ symptoms. Gently exercising the TMJ joints and minimizing stress can be viable options for some patients.

To relieve jaw tension, place the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth. Then, gently and slowly open and close your mouth. Do not open your mouth too wide, because it can increase tension in your jaw.

Patients can also learn exercises from a physical therapist. During physical therapy, you can learn exercises to release tension in the arms, shoulders, neck, and face. A physical therapist can also provide massage and heat to relax the face and jaw.

What Lifestyle Changes Can Treat TMJ Disorders?

You can do things at home to help reduce TMJ symptoms. These tips are also useful if you have TMJ flare-ups:

  • Perform Good Posture: If you notice yourself bending your head forward when you’re on your laptop or phone, you likely have forward head position. Slouching over not only puts pressure on your neck and back, but also your jaw. Instead, keep your head in line with your spine. Ensure your screen is in your eye line.
  • Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Use: Drinking too much coffee, tea, or energy drinks increases muscle movement. It also triggers the nervous system. When you consume caffeine, you may find yourself clenching your jaw during the day. If you reduce your caffeine intake, you can lessen the risk of jaw pain and damage.
  • Avoid Bad Habits: Excess gum chewing, using teeth as tools, chewing on ice, and nail-biting can put pressure on your teeth and jaw. These habits can also increase the risk of chipping a tooth or tooth wear, which can contribute to TMD.

Does TMJ Go Away On Its Own?

In the mildest cases, TMJ symptoms may go away if you have TMJ problems because of stress. Reducing stress, practicing good posture, and avoiding chewy or crunchy foods can help.

However, in most cases, TMJ symptoms can worsen over time. If you continue to wake up with jaw pain or morning headaches, find yourself clenching your jaw, or have trouble eating hard foods, you need professional treatment.

Treat Painful TMJ Symptoms

Do you suffer from teeth grinding? Does your jaw pop or click when you eat? Our dentists can help you treat your TMJ dysfunction. Schedule an appointment with us online. We provide TMJ treatment in Baltimore, MD. Our office also treats patients in Clinton, Hanover, and La Plata.

If you have questions about TMJ treatment, let us know at your next visit. We’re here to help.