How a Root Canal Alleviates Pain, Not Causes it

When an infection spreads deep within your tooth, you could experience severe pain and discomfort. Catching decay and gum disease early on could prevent deeper infection. However, once your root canals are damaged, it can be difficult to restore them. A root canal in Baltimore, MD, could be the best way to preserve most of your natural tooth while still removing the infection. If not treated as soon as possible, the infection could continue to spread, leading to irreparable damage and even tooth loss.

A ROOT CANAL in Clinton, MD, can help alleviate common tooth pain

Are Root Canals Painful?

Many patients hear ‘root canal’ and begin to feel apprehensive or fearful of the treatment. But the truth is, root canals are often no more painful than a routine cavity filling. Local anesthetics work to numb the nerves in your mouth, meaning you shouldn’t feel much, if any, pain at all. While you can experience sensations during the appointment, your dentist will do everything possible to ensure you are comfortable and protected while they work.

How Root Canals Alleviate Pain

When the root system of your tooth gets infected, the dental pulp begins to swell. The dental pulp is made up of cells, tissue, and vessels, all of which become damaged when infected. This swelling and damage can lead to severe toothaches and discomfort as the nerves and tissues press against the hard casing of your natural tooth.

During a root canal appointment, your dentist drills a small hole in your tooth and uses specialized equipment to extract the dental pulp. By removing the pulp and cleaning the inner tooth chamber, most patients can begin to experience immediate pain relief, a bit like pulling out a splinter. 

Root Canal in Baltimore, MD, Aftercare

For most patients, a root canal appointment could cause some swelling and soreness in the affected area. These symptoms are typically gone in 24-48 hours. This makes the recovery time of a root canal one of the quickest among infection treatments. You’ll need to take care when brushing and flossing around the tooth, but you can otherwise continue with your regular diet and oral hygiene routines. 

The main concern after a root canal is preventing further damage. The hole drilled in your tooth to remove the pulp puts your tooth at a greater risk of infection and disease. To help protect your tooth, your dentist will likely recommend restorative treatment. Dental crowns as the final step after a root canal appointment can help protect your tooth.

Do You Experience Frequent Tooth Pain?

If you have chronic toothaches, a deep infection could be to blame. While it’s natural to feel nervous before any dental appointment, a root canal often provides more pain relief than it does discomfort. At Horizon Family Dental Care, we take every precaution to ensure you are safe and comfortable during your visit. If you think you may have an infection, give us a call at 410-774-5167  to schedule an exam and consultation.