As much as we would like, we cannot prepare for every situation or emergency. Many people have plans for fires, floods, or other natural disasters. Other people have ideas for medical or even financial emergencies. However, most people don’t think about dental emergencies.
Although it may not be high on everyone’s list of priorities, it is best to be prepared. If you play sports or participate in intense activities, one of the most common types of injuries involves teeth and mouth. Being prepared can mean the difference between a minor injury or infection and missing teeth.
Soft Tissue Cuts
Most cuts are pretty painful. Generally, we can gauge between an emergent cut and one that needs medical attention. For example, it would be the difference between slightly cutting your finger with plastic and slicing it with a knife. One of these might not need a bandaid, but the other one may need stitches.
With your mouth and gums, you must be careful. Your mouth houses thousands of bacteria that can easily cause infection. Additionally, your mouth is a moist environment, which can slow the healing process.
If you get a cut or puncture wound to your gums or inner mouth tissues, you should consult your dentist. If you are bleeding, take a clean cloth and put constant pressure on the wound. Be sure to call your dentist and see if they recommend a visit.
You don’t want to have an open wound in your mouth without seeking medical attention. It is possible for you to develop an infection easily.
Extreme Pain
There is a big difference between the mild ache of tooth sensitivity and extreme pain from a toothache. You should never suffer through the pain. If you have significant pain, you should consult your dentist immediately.
It could be a sign that something is very wrong. Most pain is an indication of a problem, especially with teeth. It could mean that you have a severe infection, nerve problem, or significant decay.
Knocked-Out Tooth
A knocked-out tooth is arguably one of the more scary dental emergencies. Seeing your tooth not in your mouth is enough for anyone to panic. However, preparation could save your tooth. You have about an hour to get to your dentist for them to reattach your tooth.
When you pick up your tooth, be sure to only touch it by the crown—the white portion that sits above your gums. The other end is the nerves of your tooth, which are incredibly delicate. Holding your tooth by the nerves can permanently damage them, making it impossible to reattach your tooth.
You will need to transport your tooth to the dentist in a proper medium. This means that your tooth must stay moist so that it stays alive. If you can, place your tooth back in its socket. It is the best method to keep your tooth safe, clean, and moist. However, you should never force your tooth back in place as it could damage the nerves.
Another suggestion is to put your tooth between your gums and cheek. Your saliva is the perfect medium to keep your tooth moist. If you can’t put your tooth in your mouth, you can always use a cup filled with your saliva or milk.